WhatsApp Rolling Out Suspicious Link Indicator How it Works?

WhatsApp Rolling Out Suspicious Link Indicator How it Works?


WhatsApp Roll-out the Suspicious Link Indicator for all Android Beta users and this currently available for Android right Now Hopefully is soon be available for the iOS and the Android and if it not working on your Android means you are not part with the beta Tester which needs to be available otherwise you won’t able to get this feature
This Allows you know what WhatsApp link suspicious most of the link are suspicious which user not understand and this was a great move to the bad and fight fake news spam links while if you are using WhatsApp And want to use this suspicious link indicator to your Android You can also use it your Android but what if you are using an iOS and Windows Devices
Most of the shareable things are fake on WhatsApp which really need to stop out therefore this currently in testing now so,
Its Ok if you are using An Android Device that means you can able to get the WhatsApp Messenger to Your Device as this not came out for all Android Users You Need to Know that it was available for only for the Beta Users and For the iOS and Windows users need to wait when the Update is Rollout for the iOS and Windows Also,

What is the Beta Tester

Beta Tester simply is the way to download the Apps were in testing and not roll out for the public which includes some bugs to the app but overall it allows to users use app while the App is not Roll out for the public

How WhatsApp Suspicious Link Indicator Works

For Android   
So, First You need to sign up the Beta Tester for the WhatApp
Where You Find the Beta tester for WhatsApp
First You Need Go WhatsApp Beta Tester

WhatsApp Suspicious Link Indicator snap 1


Now confirm the Beta

WhatsApp Suspicious Link Indicator snap 2


And thereafter you need to Go to Play Store for Download

WhatsApp Suspicious Link Indicator snap 3


As I Already downloaded this so
You needed to downloaded
But What if the Beta Tester is Not Available
You can wait for the beta tester otherwise
thereafter you can able to download the WhatsApp Beta Messenger
So whenever someone forward a massage to you and if link wasn’t looks so normal so it label as  suspicious link 
here the images you can lookout 

WhatsApp Suspicious Link snapshot

You can Open Link or You Can go back

WhatsApp Suspicious Link snapshot  2
At the end 
You Know this How WhatsApp Suspicious Link Indicator works 
comment below if you are not be able to get the beta tester