Tweaks is the reason we do jailbreak as it usually remind me my iPhone 4 that i jailbroken for the first time so the love of tweaking with iPhone’s is still good experience when it comes to some best Cydia tweaks iOS 14-14.4 here’s show you the all
Why Jailbreak is required
if you want to tweak with your iPhone requires to have jailbreak which sometimes not familiar with newbies you must know that doing jailbreak can lead you warranty void so on if you you still stick this means you willing to do so
Also Read, Jailbreak iPhone iOS 14-14.4
Which iPhone’s you do jailbreak with
if you use iPhone which is supported A9 to A10 Fusion and A11 Bionic
A9 – iPhone SE, iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus
A10 Fusion – iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
A11 Bionic- iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus iPhone X
While there is chances that will soon see newer iPhone’s can be jailbreak the same as uncover 6.0.1 out for iOS 14.3 and tested with iPhone 12 Max Pro
(some tweaks may not works know that which one is favorite on my Instagram)
Top 25 Cydia tweaks iOS 14-14.5
No cshare : In iOS you can’t remove the Air drop option as favorites option for sharing photos but this allow you to change it

Clear recent calls : This tweak is basically allows you to delete the recent calls normally we can clear one by one but helps to delete the all recent calls from your iPhone

Little 12 : if you have old iPhone such as iPhone 7,8 or 8 plus you can change it to looks like an iPhone XR which looks great

Stay Down : Stay down allows you use your iPhone in half screen

Lower the notifies : This allows you lower the letters of notification letters

Delete Forever : This tweak for those who want delete there iPhone photos but in permeant manner while deleting any photos you will notice that there is permanently delete photo appears to the screen that means we can able delete it forever

Hide Labels : As you can see in below that there is no app names is appearing on menu where’s only icons is there which is possible with this tweak

slidetoshow notification : When you slide the notification only the notification appears not the app which sometimes frustrating when you don’t want launch the application

Tempus Romanum : With help of this tweak you can easliy change time number to Roman numbers with looks cool if you want to do the same you use this tweak

Roman Pad : You can see that the passcode numbers are changed to roman but if you want change this than you can change it otherwise you can stay the normal

Manila : this allows you to aces the first 4 apps on the folder in 3D touch

color my battery : This allows to to change the color of the battery percentage to different colors as you can see below that every colors available you can set for the colors you want

CCtime13 : This allows you to tine show up on the control center on the top of it

Fluid Tabs : it allows to switch with different tabs just swiping in bottom

Photo info : Photo info give you the information of the photos you have clicked on the camera roll in your iPhone

Topless Keyboard : This hide the top bar of the keyborad

Cylinder : This one of the best tweak and nostalgic once this tweak used by me most of the time as it remind me my iPhone 4 where i used very much and the best part you can use with iOS 14

iCleaner :iCleaner allows you to clear junk files such OTA, cache and temporary files which free up some space into your iPhone and it useful

AnykeyTrackpad : This tweaks helps you to go trackpad mode just taping for few second on keyword

Volume Percent : You can see that in volume percentage shown up in normal there is no percentage is usually given this reminds you how much volume percent is set

Vixy : this hide the notification badges form your apps

Bounce it : When you this tweak you will notice that whenever you app opens or close app or switching between apps bounce animation appears when you do so

Blank Pass : it allows you to hide number’s in passcode where’s you can’t see the numbers only button appears but there is no numbers outthsere

Icon Renamer : This allow you to rename the labels of your apps
Five dock 13 : This tweak allows you to have 5 apps in dock
so these are tweaks that you must have into your iPhone
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