Samsung S7 and Samsung S7 Edge Models Starts Receiving Security Patch
Every month the Security patch were arrived for the Devices most of Android Devices are push the security updates for the latest phone’s while Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 edge starts receiving the Security patch of October 2018 the Roll-out of update was done for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Devices now According to Galaxy Club the update is having around 122 for the firmware 693FXXU1DQJ1 and G935FXXU1DQJ1 for the Samsung S7 and Samsung S7 edge
This Update for the October Security updates which currently is latest right now while if you are not getting into your Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge so you could wait for the official OTA update pop-ups to your S7 and S7 edge but you need to know that this update shows that currently update is Arrived for the European Version
Sometimes it takes update takes time to Arrive near you so you could wait for the update arrive near you if you might experienced that if update is arrived but not get the update yet you can check out how to force update your Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge Device
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