WhatsApp has recently updated the supported version of iOS and Android phones which indicates that Whatsapp no longer supports older versions of iOS and has already completely stopped working on iOS 9.3.5
This time for iOS 10.3.4 which runs mostly on iPhone 5,5c can no longer able to install WhatsApp you will notice an error sign while installing for now WhatsApp officially requires iOS 12 and later
Why WhatsApp Move to iOS 12
It’s not new here WhatsApp continuously working on bug fixes, stability, and adding new features for the latest iPhone which is best for both a user and developers despite it finally being left out of iOS 10.3.4 which is the minimum requirement earlier for WhatsApp
I think maybe the reason it moves not to iOS 11 but to iOS 12 due after iPhone 5 and 5c the next iPhone released is 5s and 6 that run iOS 12 for now which must have to download and Install WhatsApp
What if WhatsApp still working
I know still the App is working on iOS 10 but it won’t work for a longer period of time it is best time you should take your backup and move to an iPhone that runs iOS 12 or later iPhone where you can able to use WhatsApp perfectly
but, for me, you should at least move to iPhone 7 or iPhone 11
if your budget is quite tight and wants to use WhatsApp on your iPhone stay to the Apple eco-system
Also read, iPhone 5s in 2022
Can you able to update iOS 12
The reality is that on iPhone 5,5c is quite impossible to install iOS 12 it is stuck with iOS 10.3.4 due to hardware limitations
iPhone 5s is the first iPhone that has the A7 Chip which supports 64-bit Apps and the 5,5c lacks 32-bit Apps which so far I have researched on the App Store most of the Apps are no longer on iOS 10 except a few of them
Which more likely will move to iOS 12 or later in the near future
Future of iPhone 5,5c
iPhone 5 is a great phone due to its lack of 32 bit most of the advantages is got by the iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 have supported 64-bit apps and most of those are just for WhatsApp as a secondary purpose can use it
Its time that the iPhone 5 lost one of the best messaging apps that we used to chat with others none other than WhatsApp which and for an aged iPhone 5 is a good decision to end support
most of us know to use the latest version of iOS except a few still on the previous version of iOS which won’t affect the majority of users
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