iPad is disabled connect to iTunes Fix without updating in Few Min

iPad is disabled connect to iTunes Fix without updating in Few Min

Before I tell You the frustration while seen iPad is disabled connect to iTunes so this happens with me and the worst thing is happens that it just disabled and so I cannot be able to fix soon I found that I do my fault that I was forgot my pass-code and I tried a lot more time to open my iPhone is just disabled many time and after trying more it just gone disabled I still not find any way to unlock that
After to many attempts I found way to get back In this post I will tell how you can easily able to get back your iPad in Normal so this works cool and really it helps you out from being disabled so lets Fix iPad is disabled connect to iTunes

Things you may need to know that before getting fixed

I Seen many of you tries to unlock iPad while it but fails due to you exactly how to solve that you need to know that iPad can be unlock without updating the iPhone it can fixed with the restore iPad via iTunes but wait Did You need an authorization before iPhone unlock which you need to complete otherwise you cannot able to unlock the iPad

How to Fix iPad disabled without updating iTunes

Yes! You heard well you don,t need to update your iPhone you can just restore iOS and get back to your normal so how you do this right now In order to this right from the Mac or if you are using a Windows luckily iTunes works both platform Mac and Windows
If You already have a iTunes that its or you are first time face this issue and you have not installed iTunes Yet on Your System Don’t worry both links are available to download in Mac and Windows in below and you need proper internet connection or if the restore file already have on your Mac or Windows so you don’t need to download 
This Process is what use in Restoring an iPhone full process check here 
First You Need to Get Your iPad to DFG Mode (While This is Necessary to do )
When the Connect to iTunes appears on Your iPad
iTunes automatically detect your iPad and restore option 
available to restore your iPad You need just wait for while the full restore file download to your iTunes and don’t worry if you already have a Restore file in to your computer you can just put it to iTunes
You have to press simulatitly press this in order to get the file
Now tap after restore if download or if you have just transfer the Restore file
Wait unit the restore process if finish
Congrats Your iPad now unlocked
At the End I think you get back your iPad to normal let comment below if you still not able to get back your iPad