Instagram already left out older iPhones such as iPhone 3G’s iPhone 4,4s, as currently our iPhone 5,5c is running the iOS 10.3.4 which is old in 2020 but back at 2018 and 2019 its usable as of now I notice that I cannot able to download Instagram my iPhone 4s directly but how to download Instagram iOS 10.3.3
I thought there is an issue I didn’t find anything but this kind of annoying pop-up when I checked Instagram’s app page when I Notice its moved to iOS 11 however we can still install it
Also Read, Snapchat for iOS 10.3.4
Why Instagram Moves to iOS 11
Basically Happens What Instagram is Moved from iOS 10 to iOS 11 which is Good for Instagram but users Need to Know that it obvious move due there is new improvement and bug fixes so on Instagram and this not happened this time last year apps frequently updates to latest iOS version
So, it Doesn’t Mean You can’t be able to download Instagram as We Installed perfectly on older iPhone’s running iOS 6,iOS 7,iOS 8 and iOS 9 and our iPhone 5,5c is running iOS 10 so its still can be downloadable and usable to but some features missing on it you can get an idea what missing in video below
Which User affected by this
As You Start Notice that Instagram started notify you that it requires 11 to download as you use multiple iPhone’s then there is no issue older version can be easily install-able but if you start noticing that it requires iOS 11 and you cannot be able to download
How to Download Instagram on iOS 10.3.3 iPhone 5,5c
As We seen earlier on iPhone’s where’s you may get easily able to download old version of apps but in the iPhone 5,5c You can only able to download apps from last 90 days or 2020 filters so if you downloaded it in last 90 days
you can easily able to download going to 90 days or 2020 section otherwise you can’t able to download Instagram on iPhone 5,5c
What if Instagram not working on iOS 10.3.4
If you are unable to install Instagram on your iPhone its time you should upgrade your iPhone to s latest version of iOS
For More about Old Apps You can checkout, How to Download old iOS apps
Is Instagram Requires iOS 11?
Yes you need iOS 11
Is Instagram compatible to iPhone 5,5c?
Instagram currently requires iOS 11 but compatible version is exist for iPhone 5,5c
can i able to install Instagram on 2020?
Yes you can but as compatible version but how long it will supported we don’t know
Why can’t able to install a compatible version
Make sure you downloaded it before and its available to purchase list
Is IGTV working ?
Yes tested working
Is Reels Working As well ?
No Reels Works on later versions such as iOS 12 & iOS 14
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