How To Install CM13 with TWRP – Android2techpreview

How To Install CM13 Easily

Android is now on the Android Nougat and pixel and the Pixel and Pixel Xl was Running the Latest version of the Android Nougat Firstly Running Android Marshmallow device was the Android Marshmallow on Nexus 6P and the Nexus 5X there many of us right now running Android Lollipop  Version those who Upgraded with the Android Marshmallow Device’s like Google Stock Powered Device Android And Nexus Lineup.if you are the other phone that not updated with the Android Marshmallow that means you cannot able to install on your Device not the officially you get the Android Marshmallow but with the Unofficial Method can help you to install Right Now.
So, if you can just wait for the official updates there is way to install the Android Marshmallow on your device that is called the CyanogenMod Method as now CyanogenMod13 now can easily upgrade you to to Android Marshmallow.

How actually install CyanogenMod13

However Installing Any Kind of Custom Firmware Firstly you need to be Rooted your Device installing CM13(CyanogenMod) we need a custom recovery e.g. TWRP or the CyanogenMod Recovery and Gapps that install after the installation of the CM13 So, Download the Gapps according to your kernel version. Gapps are in range in the Kernel version e.g if your kernel.
After Downloaded the Gapps Boot your Device into the Recovery Mod by Simply Using volume Up And the power bottom make sure you downloads the CyanogenMod Recovery
How To Install A Recovery

How To install CynogenMod13

1.Before Going to Flash The CyanogenMod recovery make sure You Properly Copy on your SD and the Gapps of the Marshmallow CynogenMod13 on your Device Boot into The Recovery Mod
2.Boot Yoyr Device into TWRP Recovery Or the CynogeonMod Recovery
3.Go to Back TWRP Make Sure You Wipe Catch/and the Wipe data dalvik First
3.After Wiping Go Up And Select the  CynogenMod13 File Prpoerly Select the .Zip File “Install” and select the CM13.Zip by selecting the Zip File And “Swipe to Confirm Flash” in order to Flash. Installation Takes Some Time To Install Please Do Power Off While The Installation Process
4.When The flashing Complete successfully.
5.Now, You Have to install The Gapps at same you previously Flash CM13
6.At the End flashing Both Reboot your Device.
That All Now you Successfully Install the  CM13
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