How to Flash Lineage OS 14.1 on Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge with TWRP Recovery
In this post we discussed about how you can be able to flash Lineage OS 14.1 into your Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge so before we moved to flash Lineage OS into your Samsung Galaxy S7 and Edge you need to know that you can easily flash your Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge by doing simple which nearly takes minimum 20 minutes if you perform step by step or it may depends upon your ability how you manage to flash Lineage OS 14.1 into your S7 and S7 edge
Things you know before Flashing Lineage OS 14.1
As you know that Android Oreo Announced and Device which are getting update Samsung S7 and S7 edge are also included in Android Oreo update but there is something which is still missing with few Samsung Phone they not yet update Android Nougat Yet
Most of Phone are currently Running Android Marshmallow the rate of Android Nougat was still low and slow growth rate right now but you can expect that soon Android Nougat will run most of Android Devices
So now Moving to Installation Process
How to Flash Right Now
The Lineage OS Package Need Hardly Few Minutes you time consuming process comes when you first time unlocking your Boot loader and Rooting Your Device it wasn’t getting long takes least 10 min if you properly done this So In order to flash Lineage OS you need Few things to done before installation So you need pre Requirement which are listed below
Pre-Requirement(Before installation)
Maintain Charge At least 70%
Do Proper Backup
This Was only for listed Device
Don,t Try to Flash with Other Phone
at the End
Android2techpreview is not responsible for any damages you are doing at your Risk
Download Requirement
Lineage OS S7
Lineage OS S7 Edge
GApps(Download Any One)
Pico GApps
Lineage OS 14.1
Nano GApps
TWRP Recovery
After Doing all This you need Go boot with Recovery which is TWRP Recovery
After Boot Take wipe Data dalvik and cache
Find the Package You Download
Now wipe to Install
Here is Demo Guide of Installation Lineage OS
After installing the Lineage OS
You need More to Do
Why To install GApps
GApps is a collection of All Google which needs to proper Run a Android if you are using An Custom Rom you may know that Lineage OS not contains any GApps which means you need to flash GApps manually First Downloaded The GApps from the Downalod Requirement Which is listed upper
And the end you Finally Flash the Lineage OS properly into Samsung Galaxy S7 And S7 Edge