how to download older version of apps in iPhone 5,5C

How to Download Older Version of Apps In iPhone 5


Well it Difficult to be stay with iOS 10 on iPhone however the most of the Apps are still supports iPhone 5 until now but there few certain apps which are no longer available to iOS 10 but can be download older version apps in iPhone 5 yes it can be with your iPhone 5 right now
You are currently on iPhone on iOS 10 and no updates for your iPhone 5 and 5c as Apple Won’t allow iPhone 5 users to update to iOS 11 coz iPhone 5 came under 32 bit Device however the iPhone 5s running the beta version of iOS 12 which seems to be good but in terms update but really it can be faster so we have to wait until the final updates rollout for the iPhone 5s

Is iOS 11 Apps Still Supports

As All Apps Which are currently Running iOS 7 to iOS 10 apps are no doubt are install-able but apps which are now move to iOS 11 are also can be installed but In case of New Apps which are just launched only for the iOS 11 which frankly not supports to your iPhone 5 there is reason behind is that those apps which are launched new to Apps Store which are made for Newer iPhone’s
It Doesn’t means that you no longer able to Download Apps Which are moved to iOS 11 so In This Post we will tell  how you  exactly can able to download previous version apps to your iPhone 5

How to Download Older Version Apps to Your iPhone 5

In Case You Just grab iPhone 5

This An Just Example how you can able to do same with your iPhone 5 also

So when you just grabbed iPhone 5 into your hand and you created a new Apple ID and after being you notice that Apps which no longer supports that are currently require iOS 11 and You want to download download it right now so how you can able to download it
Frankly it very simple to do no matter you have just singed with a new Apple ID
You Have to Just Follow this method (You can easily able to do that)
First Make Sure You have Apple iTunes
Now Sign in Both In Your iPhone 5 and iTunes
Now Just You Have Download “The App that tell You that you need iOS 11”
The main Tweak is that
You have to just download it iTunes in First The App which Move to IOS 11
(Note that it doesn’t mean if you can’t be able to download app that moved in IOS 11 so you just need just first download it on iTunes at least 1MB now moved to iPhone now In App Store with the Same app you will See below sign)   

Now You can see that App Store now Allow to Download the App with last compatible version of iPhone 5 iOS 10

At The End
I Don’t know how many of you know this but really it works for apps while downloading it over App Store so let me comment if you able to download moved iOS 11 apps to your iPhone 5