Apple Takes Quick Action on iPhone 8 “battery swelling”
Back at 2007 when the First Revolutionary iPhone 2G launched this was first announced iPhone now in 2017 the iPhone’s 10thanniversary One of the Cool iPhone X Seen in Apple this iPhone has bazzle less Display which really huge difference comparing back iPhone touch ID are now disappear and replaced with Face iD and Face ID may Fails Sometimes in 1,00,00 times in One rather overall the iPhone X is Great iPhone X coming to Online Sale Apple Seriously investing the Face ID bug while the Event on iPhone 8 Event
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Every year iPhone Launch there is new iOS launched while the iOS 11 bring lot more to iPhone 8 and 8 Plus while this iPhone has some serious issue regarding to its battery issue According to Apple it was a Battery Swelling Problem
if You Remember Back at 2014 Launched iPhone 6s the recall problem held regarding to battery and there is why Apple taking quick action to fulfill this issue likewise Samsung has same issue regarding this on Note 7 Whatever is does this two giant always take quick action regarding this action might this take a while to fix this issue